To make your departure by train from St. Petersburg as comfortable and hassle-free as possible, book a transfer with SAINT-PETERSBURG.COM from any address in the city to any railway station at fixed rates and at any time day or night.

At SAINT-PETERSBURG.COM, we work only with tried and tested local transport companies, guaranteeing clean, modern vehicles and polite, punctual drivers for all transfers booked through our website. Whatever time your outbound train departs, you can book a transfer in advance and be confident that you will be met in your hotel lobby or at any designated address in the city, assisted with baggage, and taken on time to your departure station, with transfer rates fixed at the time of booking and no extra charges for parking fees, delays in traffic, or waiting times.

To start booking your outbound railway station transfer from any location in St. Petersburg, please fill out the form below and click 'Continue'.

Railway stationChange
Where do you wish to be met?